Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Social Networking

Social Networking has emerged throughout the years and is now a huge way in communicating for everyone. There are many ways in which social networking can be used and there are many benefits of using it.  One way social media is used in business is for job recruiting. In the article "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" it explains how social media helped Maureen Crawford-Hentz recruit for global lighting company. She used a site called Linkedin where all she had to do was type in a keyword and it navigated her to a person who was working that current job somewhere else. It was as simple as typing in one word and she found a possible new employee. However, not everyone needs to have the option of being contacted for  a job opportunity. As the article states, there are privacy policies that allow you to decide whether you can be contacted or not. Other ways social media can be used is for keeping in touch with all friends or even family that lives around the world. A website like Facebook makes it very easy to communicate with anyone at anytime. I have family living in Italy right now that I keep in touch with. Facebook even has a translator button, so if someone writes something in a different language, Facebook will translate it right there for you. I find myself using that a lot when I am talking to my relatives. Social media is beneficial for those who want to communicate with others. It is beneficially, as the article showed us, for businesses to find new employees. Within a company social media can be very beneficial because it can be a way for the employees to communicate and keep up with what is going on at work. It can help them figure out when their meetings are and what new project is being worked on. Although social media can be beneficial it also has it's "dark side".  A big problem we see now is how anti-social social media made people. We see people constantly looking at their phones either texting, using the internet, or on some social media site. The article "Antisocial Networking?" by Hilary Stout goes into great detail about how kids do not do normal kid things anymore. It talks about how kids are constantly on social media and are no longer actually able to have conversations with their friends in person. Kids don't go outside anymore and play games, instead most of them are inside sitting on their computers. The article says that unlike the kids parents, who had relationships with their friends, the kids could miss out on some experiences that will help them develop socially. Another dark side of social media is that nothing is really private anymore. No matter how private you try to be, your information is out there for anyone to access. I do believe that in the future social media is going to be the center of everything. The only way people will communicate is through social media. I think that businesses will even jump more on the social media train and run a lot of their daily work through it. It is going to take over.


  1. Hi Jaclyn,

    I liked your blog post on social media. I completely agree with it. I also have family internationally, so its always good to know that you can keep in contact with them through social media.


  2. Jaclyn,
    I enjoyed your blog post on social media and i agree with a lot of your comments on media and its future. I too agree that media will be continually increasing and be in everyone's lives in years to come. Media will take over everything and for the better i believe as well.
