Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Blog About Twitter

You can have discussions on Twitter, on Blackboard and in a classroom. There are differences however, on how each one is held. We all know how classroom discussions go. I think this one is the easiest one that is held. The teacher talks about the topic being done in class and then everyone comments on it. Usually the students are learning and will occasionally asks questions. It is just an easier way to communicate between everyone about what is going on in class. A discussion on Blackboard is easy enough to have, but I don't think it is as effective as actually being in a classroom. Usually a topic will be put up on Blackboard and questions will be asked by the teacher. Then, each student will go and answer the questions and talk about the topic. It is in the form of a comment, so everyone will comment on it. You usually view them as separate answers, but there is a way to see them all at once. This can cause students to not read all their classmates answers, so they won't get as much out of the topics as if they were in a classroom. The good part about Blackboard is that it is always up there, so the students can go back whenever they want to look at it. They are in order of dates when they are posted. Twitter, I believe is the hardest way to hold a discussion. People are always tweeting, so your feed is constantly updating with new information. If you have a discussion, it doesn't mean that all the comments will be right under each other. A easier way to hold a discussion on Twitter is to all use the same hashtag. By doing that, you can click on the hashtag and all the comments will come up that used it. Although each way can be used for discussions, I believe some are easier then others. Face to face discussions seem the easiest to me, but discussions online are more convenient.

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